Psiholog Psihoterapeut Nicoleta Porojanu

Psiholog Psihoterapeut Nicoleta Porojanu

fara recomandari
987 vizite
Locatie: Bucuresti, Drumul Belsugului
Telefon: 0771631619
Program: Flexibil
Programare online
- Sessions is Romanian, English or combined -

I’m a Psychologist, Therapist and Educator, host of the Open To Happiness podcast and founder of The Significant You mental health charity and I take great interest in healing transgenerational trauma.
I tend to work with happiness seekers that have survived trauma and pain and are now ready to heal and transform. To see the world and experience life not as a victim, but as a learner, survivor and thriver.
Where are you now - You are going through a recent relationship struggle, significant loss, illness or career junction that add to the luggage you carry from the past. You are unhappy, confused and in pain and you are gradually awakening to the true nature of reality.
I have been there! From childhood trauma to TNBC and many loses in between, I know the sour taste of adversity and hardship.
Where you want to be – You would like to thrive, to feel at peace, balanced and in happy relationships. You want to start healing, to savour the present moment, and to exude aliveness and vitality.
This is all very possible. Start your journey within and I let me guide you in your self-discovery, healing and personal growth.
I will teach you to live a mindful life, in presence and conscious awareness, and I will take you through my trauma healing model to free yourself from unresolved trauma and hurt and finally open to joy and happiness.
If this speaks to you I have open-ended sessions and various programmes available. You can join the Happiness Seekers Club membership or sign up for my 12 weeks Awakened programme.
Psiholog Psihoterapeut Nicoleta Porojanu
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