Cabinet psihologie Șiru Alexandra Ioana

Nota 10 din 2 recomandari
4185 vizite
Locatie: Bucuresti, Str. Calea Rahovei, nr. 352, sector 5
Telefon: 0723307340
  • Psiholog Psihoterapeut Siru Alexandra Ioana
Psihoterapie - hipnoză clinică şi terapie ericksoniană.


a votat pe 22-05-2018 cu nota
nina penciu

Ultima vizita la cabinet: februarie 2018
Psiholog/psihiatru recomandat: Siru Alexandra Ioana
As young as she is, she is excellent, she knows what she is doing, and she loves it. I live in USA and at the recommendation of my friends, I come in January 2018, and after aprox. 10 hours session I was a different person.She helped me a lot. By the end of May, I will travel back to Bucharest to continue the therapy with her.

a votat pe 29-01-2013 cu nota
nastase viorica

Ultima vizita la cabinet: iunie 2011
Psiholog/psihiatru recomandat: Siru Alexandra Ioana
este un psihoterapeut foarte bun

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