Be your change!
Inapoi Autor: CabinetEquilibrium

Stressors are a normal part of life, when they are in manageable limits they are viewed as stimulation and challenges. However, when stressors increase in intensity, they can overwhelm an individual’s ability to cope and disrupt her psychological equilibrium. During the intake process, you need to ask questions about situational stressors that might have served as precipitating factors in the development of the presenting problems. To avoid burnout, burn in. Follow your passion, be emotionally involved, and stay curious. ""Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." —BARACK OBAMA
Cabinet Individual de Psihoterapie Equilibrium
Sufletul stie întotdeauna ce să facă pentru a se vindeca. Provocarea este să liniștim mintea
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